We encourage members of our community to be part of the exciting project of building an international non-profit language-immersion school in Manhattan. Please consider volunteering as class parents, event coordinators, classroom volunteers, contributors to our after school enrichment programs or lending other skills.

We are always looking for:

  • Photographers and Videographers to document our classrooms, students and events.
  • German and Spanish-speakers to volunteer in our classrooms and learn what it means to be an early-childhood educator!
  • Enrichment Program participants to give one-off instruction or performances in a specific area or to offer expertise on a continuing basis in one of our after school enrichment programs, which include music, dance, theater, yoga, and art.
  • Event Planners and Caterers to help plan events and/or donate goods and services.
  • Volunteers to join our fundraising efforts.

Please email volunteer@pusteblumenyc.org to get involved.